#!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------- # Please double check Your settings # -------------------------------------------------------- enabled=false #enable main function backup_path='/opt/backify/' # location of backups www_backup=false # backup wwwroot www_dir='xyz' # wwwroot location vhost_backup=false # backup vhost config vhost_dir='/etc/httpd/sites-enabled' # vhost location log_backup=false # backup logs log_to_backup=("apache" "nginx" "fail2ban" "alternatives" "pckg_mngr" "auth" "dmesg" "dpkg" "letsencrypt" "php" "syslog" ) # logs to backup, options: apache, nginx, fail2ban, alternatives, pckg_mngr, auth, dmesg, dpkg, letsencrypt, php, syslog) rsync_push=false # enable push to remote server push_clean=false # clean backup file after push target_host="" # rsync target host target_user="backup" # rsync target user target_key='/home/xyz/.ssh/rsync' # rsync key target_dir='/opt/backups/srvyxyz/' # rsync target host path docker_enabled=false # will you use docker backup docker_images=false # backup docker images docker_volumes=false #backup docker volumes docker_data=false #backup container information db_backup=false #backup databases database_type=mysql #mysql or postgresql db_username=user #database user db_password=user #database password db_all=false #dumps all databases if true db_name=user #name of the database